Sunday, January 25, 2015

Ryden's 'beary' special day

Every Friday, one kid in Ryden's class has a 'beary' special day.  It was Ryden' turn this past Friday.  When it is your day, you get a big bear to decorate with pictures and then you get to present it to the class.
He was so excited to tell his class all about his bear.  And Ryden's classmates were excited to have Trevin in the class with them (see pic below.  Number 66 is getting bear hugged by a fellow student). 
After he presented, the class got to ask questions.  There was a picture of him and Ava and that caused a lot of commotion.  "I thought Olivia was your girlfriend.  How many girlfriends do you have??!"
All the kids then got to say a nice thing about Ryden.  "He shares".  "He is awesome".  "He has cool hair".  And then it was time for everyone to draw a picture of the special boy and write something nice about him.
 Brother Trevin got in on the action
Lots and lots of hearts from the girls...
 It was so awesome to see all of the pictures..
 Hmm....keep working
 Nice rainbow Luca
 Ry got to draw one also.  Because it is important to love ourselves
Luca with his masterpiece
 The whole gang.  Since I volunteer about twice a month, these little people have become my homies.  The girls always want to do my hair and the boys always want to tell me about helicopters and mine craft.
 Enzo and Mikaio
 Janelle was upset because she didn't get a pic with Ry.  So I took one of them.  "We like each other"...she said.
After school, we continued celebrating by going to Disneyland.  It was not super crowded at all for a Friday.  Guess people are scared since there was an outbreak of measles.  We ain't scared!
We had a grand ol' time even if my kids don't like Pirates, Haunted Mansion, Pinnochio, etc.  So we rode all the tame rides.
 We had a really good day and I am very proud of Ryden.  All of his friends said the nicest things about him.  He is such a good boy and we love him!