Monday, January 12, 2015

The Grand Canyon

While we were in Flagstaff, we had to make a trip out to see the Grand Canyon.  I haven't been since I was road trippin' with the parents back in the day.  Once again, it was freezing outside but everyone was happy.  We watched a short IMAX movie about the Grand Canyon.  Trev & Jason loved it, Teresa and I got motion sickness, and Ry kept asking "how much longer?"  After the movie, we went to see the canyon that is grand.
I was very content looking at the beauty perched behind the railings...with my John Byrne approved 'Michael Jackson' jacket on.
 I don't know when I turned into such a wuss, but this gave me a heart attack:
I don't do well with heights but for the sake of that awesome Instagram picture, I took one for the team.  They have this article on the internet titled "When selfies turn deadly".  All about people who died after having to capture the perfect picture.  This article was replaying in my mind the whole time I was sitting on this ledge.
Mind you, there was a smaller ledge right below me but still!
Then Jason had to one up me...
 When he started bringing the kids near the edge I just about lost it.  But at least I was still able to take pictures because I am a true professional.
 The boys were happy to climb on the nearby rocks...away from the ledge.  I was less stressed.  Sure, go ahead, break your arm or least you won't plummet down the canyon.
Hyper-ventelating.  Act normal....
 Cool as a cucumber 
Trevin decided to dance...of course
 Ryden seems to have my fear of heights.  You can't tell in the pic, but it was like pulling teeth to get him to walk out on that ledge..
 We all made it out alive and well and have some great pictures and experiences!