Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Tahoe...Part 2

Scott and Leslie took the next few days off of work which meant we had a lot of time to hang out.  Their daughter, Annika, got along so well with the boys.  We met at a private part of the lake and the kids jumped right in and started exploring.
 It was pretty rocky, but that didn't seem to stop them.
 We set up a nice little camp area complete with a kid's tent.  Trevin and Annika took full advantage of the shade because it was super hot outside.
 All three of the kids stayed in the tent and ate snacks for quite some time.
 Despite my several attempts to apply sunscreen the day before, I got completely burnt!  This picture doesn't do it justice, but I was pretty scared of the sun the next day and spent most of my time covered up or in the shade.
 The boys were eager to jump on paddle boards so they rented a few.  All the kids were ready and willing to hop on as well.  It was quite the cute sight.
 Jason said the boys both had a blast!
 Leslie and I had a blast also...sitting in the shade, drinking Bloody Mary's and wine.
 Goooo Annika!  Standing up like a pro
 Ry playing the standing game as well...
 My turn!  I made sure to keep my cover up and hat on....evil sun! 
 Oh how I love lakes!  So calm and peaceful...and you can see the surprises as to what is swimming around under you.
 How pretty is the view!  Leslie and I rocked the paddle boards.  I'm surprised, after the Bloody Mary's...
 After we had our fill of the lake, we decided to hit the pool for awhile.  There was a cool water slide but Ryden was NOT havin' it.  His mood seemed to change when we told him he needed to swim without floaties (I mean...we spent a gazillon dollars on swim lessons!).  He kind of just sat on the side of the pool and pouted.
 He humored Jason and went down one time.  "Did you have fun?"  "NO!!!" in between tears...Drama..
 Annnnd....Trevin slept the whole time.  Man!  I love Tahoe.