Friday, August 21, 2015

Tahoe...Part 3

I believe Jason had the most fun on this day because it involved water skiing.  Scott and Leslie's friend was so nice to take us out on his boat for the day.
 Of course, he is like a professional at every sport and this one was no different.  He was on that board forever..trying cool tricks.
 He had a pretty cute audience as well.  The kids LOVED sitting at the front of the boat.  
 Scott was up next.  He was pretty stoked when he got up and stayed up for quite some time.  
 He bailed and Trev made sure he was ok for another round.  
 The kids loved watching all of the action.
 Up and at 'em again..
I tried also and was pleasantly surprised at myself.  I was able to get up...for about half of a second.  But better than nothing!  No pictures of me but there is a video floating around somewhere.  Jason then tried to be funny and tossed Ryden into the water.  Needless to say, he was NOT happy about it.  
 We headed back to the beach just in time for Trevin to have one of his famous melt-downs.  All because I was giving him a snack and he didn't want a snack....
 It was quite the performance I must say.
 I just let him do his thing.  Eventually, he came back over and all was well again.  He danced around and did some thumbs up.
 The kids were happy and content just playing in the lake.
Back to the boat we went.  This time, it was to play on the giant raft.  I was sure the kids would not enjoy this one.  Boy, was I wrong. 
 Flying at full speed and watching from the's hard to tell if those are looks of fear or happiness.
 Turns out that Trevin wasn't too keen on the raft idea...but the other kids loved it! much that they wanted to go again...with ME this time.
Trevin watched from the sidelines this time.
 If I'm being honest...I would have to say that this ride was a little crazy.  I was seriously holding on for dear life and was major impressed by these little people.  I was afraid I was going to knock one of them off!
I immediately regretted taking my hand off to wave at the camera.  I almost flew off!  I am not to great in the upper body strength department.  
 After all the boat fun, we headed back to the lake and did some last minute swimming before it was time to go home.  
 Such a fun day in the sun.  Lovin' Tahoe!