Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tahoe...Part 4

Our last day in Tahoe was spent exploring the woods behind Scott and Leslie's cabin.  Jason took Ryden on a bike so I took the two little ones to the forest.  Right away, they both found some pretty sweet sticks.

...before you ask...Yes, Trevin did pick out his own outfit.
 They were really intrigued with the tiny stream of water and watched it for awhile.  I saw some random clothes and food wrappers in the distance and was afraid we were going to be invading someone's camp site....so I quietly told the kids to move on.
 There is something about walking in nature that is so calming...until we had a full on meltdown about who was going to be the leader!
 They spotted a bridge and both charged after it...trying to be the 'leader'.  They forgot about the melt-downs once they reached the bridge.
Jumping off stumps proved to be a great distraction as well.
 We packed up the cabin and headed to Scott and Leslie's house in Reno, not too far away.  They live right on a golf course, so the kids were having a grand ole time running around.
 Baseball practice!
 Trev found a few new friends...
 We played in the community pool, took a nice bike ride, and managed to go out for an adults only dinner...to which I managed to take NO pictures.  We had such a great time!  Now back to Manhattan Beach.