Monday, June 13, 2016

Birthday party fun

Brinley is our homegirl from back in the day so we were excited to go to her princess party!
"Mama!  Cinderella is should go talk to her cuz you like her".  Trev wasn't interested in her but he was interested in a hula hoop.  He literally played with that thing for half the party...
I was dying of laughter watching him attempt to hula hoop while singing the Chipmunk song "Want a plane that I want a hula hooooop"
 When we were leaving the party, Brinley's mom gave Trev a party favor.  He said "Thank you and you are so pretty".  She loved that and asked for a picture with Trev.
 Our last day of being solo, we decided to keep the fun going by painting the sidewalk outside.  Don't tell Ryden that we used his birthday present from Aunt Cody, Uncle John, and the cousins.
 Boo played ball
 Back inside and ready to play some more....with the most amazing glasses on.  I think Ryden got these glasses from his token store at school and they are my favorite thing by far!
 We busted out Jason's old Star Wars figures and had a grand ole time.