Friday, June 17, 2016

Last day of school!

Last day of school is always bittersweet!  Ryden did not want the year to be over because he loved first grade so much.  Trev could care less either way.
 It's crazy to see what a difference a school year makes...
 I absolutely adored both of the boy's classes this year!  I am sad to see the year end but excited for summer vacation.  I was room mom for Trevin's preschool class, so I had the task of putting together the end of year party.  Bagels, doughnuts, muffins....check!  Trev enjoyed eating with his friend Finley.  I was happy to see he ate all of his fruit before he dove into the doughnut.  
 We put together a few games for the kids to play.  This one involved a hula hoop and holding hands.
 The kids had to try to get the hula hoop from one end to the other without letting go of each other's hands.
 They were a bit confused...
 They finally started to get the idea..
 Trevin and his homegirl Elle...
 Moving on to the doughnut game...right up Trevin's alley.  Powdered doughnuts tied to a string and the kids had to try to eat it without using their hands.  It was so much fun to watch.
 Let the games begin
 This picture is just the right angle to make it look like something inappropriate is going on
 Powdered sugar all over the face
 Time for water balloon toss.  The kids didn't quite master this and it ended in water balloon throwing chaos!
 Such a great class and a great year!
 I think I will miss Mrs. Brett most of all.  Ryden had her as well.  She is the sweetest person and is always raving about the boys and how much she loves them.  At least we will be at the preschool one more year so we can say hi.
 Mrs. Leanore was awesome as well!  Notice Trevin's soaking wet shirt.  After math of water balloons.
Ryden had an end of the year, 1st grade carnival.  I thought it went until 11am but it only lasted until 9:45!  So by the time I was done with Trevin's party, Ryden's was over.  Angie sent me this picture so at least I knew he had fun.
Pick up was also bittersweet.  Ryden's last day of being a 1st grader and last day at Pennekamp (my favorite school in the world).  I loved his teacher this year!  She said they were moving her to 5th grade next year so maybe she will get Ryden again in a few years.  I told her we were going to Pacific next year and she was so sad!  Me too Mrs Rios, me too.
 Photo bombed by Ryden's homie, Cody.  I am going to miss him yelling "Ryden's MOM!  Ryden's MOM!" every time he saw me.
A few pictures with some of his classmates.  Good ol' Ronan.  If you ever watch the show 'Detour', Ronan's older brother plays the brother part in it.  Check it out.
Ryden wrote my phone number in Emma's year book so we could set up a play date this summer...
 Oh Kameryn and Mia...Ryden had such a sweet class this year.  I am going to miss all of those little kids!  Since I volunteered a lot, I got to know each and every one of them and they knew me.
 I met an amazing mom because her son would come play with Trevin while we waited to pick up the big kids.  We have become such good friends.  So have Dillon and Trevin.
 Me and Tory...and a Trevin
I got the sweetest email from Ryden's teacher that made me cry.  She's the best.  

Since the Smith's are always having us over to swim in their pool, we thought we would repay the favor.  So we blew up the $30 pool, added some water balloons, and had an end of the school year party....with the girls.
 The water balloons were a hit until Trevin decided just to take a handful and toss them onto the grass.  Ry and Liv tried to play a few games of toss before they were all destroyed by Trev.
Pure joy from a cheap pool and water balloons.
 After the balloons were all gone, the jumping into the pool started.  Tessa was pissed!  She didn't want anyone to splash her!
 The other kids got major air!...check out Ry's action shot.
 ....and Trev's turn.  Also got Liv's dismount.
 Then the cartwheels into the pool you can see...Tessa had long disappeared. 
 Popsicle break and everyone was happy. 
 Such a great day!!