Sunday, June 26, 2016

Father's Day

I asked Jason what he wanted to do for Father's Day...of course he said "Let's go on a hike!"  So we decided to finally go on the Hollywood sign hike.  It was a good thing that we picked one of the HOTTEST days to go.  This picture was taken at the start of the hike...we had already walked for about 10 minutes because we had to park so far.
 Several people passed us and said "Good luck with the little one, you have a long way to go!"  Thanks..thanks a lot.
 See that blurry white thing way in the distance??  That is the Hollywood sign.
 Trevin actually did amazing.  On the other hand, Ryden complained the entire time.  
 We took many breaks because it was so stinkin' hot....and the shirts came off as well.
Lots of pictures to document our accomplishment... (we weren't even close to the end)
We walked for a little while longer and found a nice spot with the sign in the background.  We took a pic and that was good enough for us.  There was no way we were going to make it the extra 5 miles to be closer to that darn sign. 
 Karate picture....of course
 Trevin got the sweet end of the deal on the walk back down.
 This time, I waited in the shade with the boys while Jason hiked back to our car.
 The best possible thing to end our amazingly hot hike.  SLURPEES!!!
Later on, we headed to the Smith's for a Father's Day pool party.  They are so great to always invite us over to hang and use the pool.  So many kids!
The boys would not get out of the pool!
 We had to force them out to eat some dinner.  Tessa and Ryden being goofballs and drinking "poop juice".  Alrighty then.
 Some pretty awesome dads with their pretty awesome kids...
 Back home to watch the game and call it a day.  
 Happy Father's Day to my Pa also....