Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Camping out back

Jason is really big into camping and since we haven't had the chance to take the boys "real" camping, we decided to do another test run in the backyard.  This always reminds me of setting up a make-shift tent made out of sheets in my Grandma and Grandpa's backyard and making it until about 11pm before we headed inside.  This time, Jason put Ryden to work putting up the tent.
He actually did quite well helping to pound in the stakes.
Trevin, on the other hand, just continually walked on the tent...
All finished!
We told the boys to grab their sleeping bags and set up their beds.  I come in the tent a few minutes later and find this:
 And Ryden was doing this...
Bed all set up and ready to tell some ghost stories.
 We pulled up a few scary stories on Jason's phone and let the boys listen.  Then it was lights out.  At around 2am we were so pleasantly awaked by a helicopter shining a light in our tent and police sirens everywhere.  That was the end of our camping in the backyard and we hightailed it inside.  The next morning, we found out they were looking for a suspect who was running from the police.  Excellent.  At least we had fun.