Monday, August 22, 2016

The Getty

We decided it was time that we took a trip to The Getty since we have lived in LA for a few years now.  Teresa jumped on board and so did the Smiths.  
The boys did fairly well for the most part.  They weren't as interested in all of the paintings are we were, but I remember being bored at that age as well.   They did love sitting on the walls outside and looking down on the road that we were just driving on.
They did have a cool kid's corner that kept their attention for a few more minutes.
Trev made himself at home in this cool bed that he called his "King Bed" and read several stories to himself.
One of my favorite parts was when we went into these caves that they had recreated.  The artwork was so amazing! And it was one of the only places that they let you take pictures.
 Finally met up with the Smith girls and we headed to the outdoor garden.  Ry and Liv followed each other everywhere and his mood perked up a bit as well.
 This maze thing was awesome to look at...I'm so formal with all my descriptions
The outdoor garden was a favorite.  If it wasn't so hot, we may have stayed there all day.
After a quick trip to the museum gift shop (Grandma is always a sucker and buys the boys something:) we decided to call it a day.  It's nice to do something that stimulates the brain once in a while.