Thursday, August 18, 2016

More summer stuff

This summer continues to be so much fun!  We even got to sneak in some adult time with Courtney and Danny while Teresa had the boys.  
 We also got several pictures sent to us while the boys were with Grandma.  They looked like they never wanted to come home.  And when they are at Grandma's...they can pretty much wear whatever they want :)
 And Grandma buys them cool lego print bathing suits
Lazy summer mornings...
 Trips to the library to collect some prizes from the summer reading program.
What books to get?  So many to choose from.  I am so glad these boys like the library as much as I do.
 Riding the train at the farmer's market
 Dropping Ryden off at beach camp means some one on one time with Trev.  Of course, that usually involves some sort of sugary treat.
Trev really likes to dress up in Dada's clothes.
 The boys and I went shopping at the Point which always calls for a picture in front of the colorful fish.
 Another beach camp day, so we decided to hang out with our homie Tessa while we waited for the big kids to be done with camp.  We got ice cream...surprise, surprise
These little ice cream monsters
 Tessa didn't bring her scooter but that didn't stop her.  She hitched a ride with Trevin and it was just the cutest thing I have ever seen!
 They scootered all over the place...together
 I got to have a mom's night out with some lovely ladies and we all went to see "Bad Moms"  I think the whole theater consisted of us.
 More trips to the skateboarding park to work on our skills.
And some dinner dates with our homies, the Smiths.