Wednesday, January 28, 2009

25 weeks and counting

Amy's belly is now in the shape of a volleyball - which means she is more than half way through the 2nd trimester.. Yes - I know my prego terminology as I have read my share of baby books over the past few months.. My theory is that you can go blindly with little research into many things in life (new jobs, car purchases, skydiving, slip n slides), but there is no way I am going into this daddy thing without learning the basics pre birth. Since Amy gets the wonderful responsibility of carrying the baby my chores include nightly story telling/reading and monitoring Amy's food intake making sure Ryden gets a daily dose of all necessary nutrients - aka 'I cook dinner daily.' Good news is - our boy is now over 1.5 pounds and about 105 days away from busting his first karate kick off the birthing table.. Table, chair, whatever its called.. Don't worry - I will get it all on film (hahahahahaha gross).
All I have to say is that - AMY makes one HOT pregnant wifey!!!!!


Since I have been looking at getting a Harley for 6 + months and can't stop talking about it I decided to just go out and buy one already. I am a man of action (usually) but at this time, I only purchased my Harley Nightster 1200 at 1:18 proportion.........for now....

Sunday, January 18, 2009


(Jason trying to act gangster - holding in a smirk)
Last weekend I was up at Big Bear mountain getting my snowboard on, while this weekend Amy and I enjoyed a long walk on the beach. It was 75 degrees with clear skies - so I guess our 3 week winter is already over. Sadly - I wish it could last a few months longer as now the snow is melting.. melting.....meeeeeltiiing.
Amy is now 23 weeks prego - aka volley ball stomach soon soon to be a basketball - then possibly a dodge ball.


We celebrated Amy's B-day with some friends at Karl Strauss - which was good times. I surprised her with a little cake..... which she devoured all by herself.....hehe

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Happy New YEAR!

So this pretty much sums up my New Year's night. In bed by 10:00pm

Tyson partied too hard.

Molly partied WAY too hard. She didn't even make it to her bed

Christmas continued

Ok, so I know Christmas seems so long ago but I have yet to finish writing about it. Cody and John even came all the way from the East coast to hang with the fam. Christmas day was a blur...presents...more family...eating...etc
The day after Christmas we all went to dinner and then saw a play at the Gaslight Theater. The place we ate dinner does not allow anyone to wear a tie so of course we all decked out in our ugliest ties to be rebels. We had so much fun but also tired to stay warm. The day after Christmas I swear the tempeture dropped! It was about 35 degrees in Arizona! What the heck. I even saw some snowflakes coming down while it was raining.
Jason and John had a tent slumber party with Ben. They set up the tent in the living room (way too cold for outside!) and slept there for the night. Well Jason made it for about 20 minutes but John lasted the whole night!
Ben got this cute igloo tent from Santa. He kept saying "Want to go in my ice cube?"

Grandma's house before the presents were ripped open! Where's Ben? Like Where's Waldo.


John getting in touch with his "cowboy" side

More Twins!

Christmas dinner at Grandma's house and all the girl cousins!

These ties were shortly cut off of us the minute we entered the restaurant.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ryden MacMaster

So we went to the OB this morning and he confirmed that it is a boy! Thank goodness or else our girl would be dressed in some pretty masculine outfits! For those of you that don't know where we came up with the name maiden name was RIDENour so that is where it came from (and it is also the name of Danny Way's son who is a professional skateboarder. When I heard the name I fell in love with it and it just happened to fit in with my old last name).
Dr. Biter says everything looks perfect. Head, measurements, my weight, placenta are all on track. He even told us next week is a big one because the baby can actually live outside my body (of course we don't want that). I have been feeling fine (besides the small cold I have!) and even feel a few "flutters" now and then. We will have an updated 3D picture very soon. Dr. Biter was out of DVD's so he could not make a copy of the ultrasound for us when we were there so I apologize I don't have a picture (Ann from my work was the most upset! She has had a "baby wall" in her office since Ryden was a pea).
More to come. Just wanted to share the good news!

Monday, January 5, 2009


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Sunday, January 4, 2009

5 month belly bump

So I am going to interrupt my Christmas blog (which is taking forever because there is so much to talk about) to show my 5 month belly. I am 21 weeks and I think I look HUGE in this picture. I seem to have woken up one morning and I had expanded quite a lot:

I also wanted to show off how wonderful my big sister and husband are! Not only is the baby room closet filled with toys and clothes from Sara, my hubby broke down and bought me the crib sheet set I really wanted as an early birthday present. The baby room actually looks like a baby room now. And soon Katie and Weese will be out (hopefully) to help paint the walls and make it more baby room-ish. Thank you so much Sara for all of the hand-me-downs and thank you Jason for spoiling us rotten even before he is born. And a shout out to Cody for getting me the matching mobile!

Closet full of baby stuff:

I just HAD to have this crib set up (and yes I will take the stuffed animals out when the baby arrives):

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Santa! I know him!

We took the boys to see Santa on Christmas Eve. Ben seemed ok with it but Jacob wanted NOTHING to do with him. In a few pictures you can see him heading for the hills. Ben was upset when he asked Santa for a Wall-E toy and didn't get it right away. He thought if he asked, Santa would deliver it then

Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas....part 2 TUCSON

Ok so I have to start out this blog with one of the highlights of our trip. Jacob learned our names and kept saying them the entire time we were there. This of course made our day! Well it was more like Sason for Jason and Mimi for Amy but close enough. We caught the cuteness on film and I die each time I watch these!
Uncle Sason and Aunt Mimi miss the boys!!!!

Phoenix Christmas continued...

We managed to stop by and see our good friends Adam, Cynthia (well she was at work) and their new addition Ramsey. He is so cute and I can't wait until we can have play dates.

After that it was time to celebrate Christmas...Phoenix style! Although Melinda tried with all of her might to get us to open presents the first day we arrived, we waited until the night of the 23rd. With glasses of champagne in hand and a few Shirley Temples for me, we were ready to go. The Phoenix tradition is to open our "pajama" present first. We all get cute Christmas jammys and change into them to start the night off. Then it is chaos after that. Too many presents = so much fun! I got a belly band which allows me to wear my regular jeans with the button holds my pants up and I LOVE it! Even the dogs each got a toy from Santa. JJ and I bonded even after he sneezed a few snot rockets on me. I swear that dog snores even when he is awake but you gotta luv him! Here are some pics from the night of presents de amor.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas.... part 1.

So we had a very long and eventful Christmas. Half was spent in Phoenix and the other half in Tucson. We had a blast with everyone and I am sad it is all over. It is hard to spend so much time with family and then be expected to return to the real world. But the fun part is we got to celebrate Christmas twice! We started out in Phoenix with Teresa, Mel, and Brandon. Yes, there were five of us and four dogs in Melinda's house. By the end of the trip poor Melinda's house was destroyed! We did get to go play in the snow which always makes it feel more like Christmas. Last time we did this we were able to walk around a frozen lake but this time, there was way to much snow so the road to the lake was closed to drive on. So we ended up just walking on the road which was covered with snow. Tyson LOVED it! It wasn't super cold until the wind blew and then my face froze! But good thing I had my scarf to tie around my head to keep my hood from blowing off. Yes, I look ridiculous but I was warm!

Me and Eskimo T-dawg...Mel, Brandon, Eskimo, Jason, and happiest dog alive.

Fun in the snow!!