Friday, January 2, 2009

Phoenix Christmas continued...

We managed to stop by and see our good friends Adam, Cynthia (well she was at work) and their new addition Ramsey. He is so cute and I can't wait until we can have play dates.

After that it was time to celebrate Christmas...Phoenix style! Although Melinda tried with all of her might to get us to open presents the first day we arrived, we waited until the night of the 23rd. With glasses of champagne in hand and a few Shirley Temples for me, we were ready to go. The Phoenix tradition is to open our "pajama" present first. We all get cute Christmas jammys and change into them to start the night off. Then it is chaos after that. Too many presents = so much fun! I got a belly band which allows me to wear my regular jeans with the button holds my pants up and I LOVE it! Even the dogs each got a toy from Santa. JJ and I bonded even after he sneezed a few snot rockets on me. I swear that dog snores even when he is awake but you gotta luv him! Here are some pics from the night of presents de amor.