Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ryden MacMaster

So we went to the OB this morning and he confirmed that it is a boy! Thank goodness or else our girl would be dressed in some pretty masculine outfits! For those of you that don't know where we came up with the name maiden name was RIDENour so that is where it came from (and it is also the name of Danny Way's son who is a professional skateboarder. When I heard the name I fell in love with it and it just happened to fit in with my old last name).
Dr. Biter says everything looks perfect. Head, measurements, my weight, placenta are all on track. He even told us next week is a big one because the baby can actually live outside my body (of course we don't want that). I have been feeling fine (besides the small cold I have!) and even feel a few "flutters" now and then. We will have an updated 3D picture very soon. Dr. Biter was out of DVD's so he could not make a copy of the ultrasound for us when we were there so I apologize I don't have a picture (Ann from my work was the most upset! She has had a "baby wall" in her office since Ryden was a pea).
More to come. Just wanted to share the good news!