Sunday, January 11, 2009

Christmas continued

Ok, so I know Christmas seems so long ago but I have yet to finish writing about it. Cody and John even came all the way from the East coast to hang with the fam. Christmas day was a blur...presents...more family...eating...etc
The day after Christmas we all went to dinner and then saw a play at the Gaslight Theater. The place we ate dinner does not allow anyone to wear a tie so of course we all decked out in our ugliest ties to be rebels. We had so much fun but also tired to stay warm. The day after Christmas I swear the tempeture dropped! It was about 35 degrees in Arizona! What the heck. I even saw some snowflakes coming down while it was raining.
Jason and John had a tent slumber party with Ben. They set up the tent in the living room (way too cold for outside!) and slept there for the night. Well Jason made it for about 20 minutes but John lasted the whole night!
Ben got this cute igloo tent from Santa. He kept saying "Want to go in my ice cube?"

Grandma's house before the presents were ripped open! Where's Ben? Like Where's Waldo.


John getting in touch with his "cowboy" side

More Twins!

Christmas dinner at Grandma's house and all the girl cousins!

These ties were shortly cut off of us the minute we entered the restaurant.