Monday, May 25, 2009

RYDEN MACMASTER - DAD's VERSION: Jason MacMaster is 1 proud father!

Wow - what an experience!! It was by far the most exciting and truly amazing day we have ever had and for some reason, although I didn't physically have the baby - I was still exhausted after. We might give it at least year before making Ryden a baby sister ;)
Here are a few quick highlights from the day (not in order of occurance).
1. MY SLEEPING ARRANGEMENT: It was a minature lazy boy minus the soft padding and you had to hold your foot in the crevis when it extended to keep it from folding back. Thus, while I tried to sleep at night there were multiple times when it folded back up to an upright position without me knowing causing my entire body to almost fly off the chair.

2. AMY MACMASTER: Not that I didnt think she was tough before, but after this experience - I have a new respect for her.. She was such a trooper throughout the entire labor and didnt yell at me once which was nice.. haha. Our Lamaze classes actually came in handy and she pushed through all of the contractions like a champ. I love that girl!

3. RYDEN's BIRTH: I was breathing and pushing with Amy until I almost passed out. The doctor starting laughing so I decided to just focus on the birth.. Yes - I watched the entire thing and it was amazing! Again - Amy did a great job!

4. SEEING HIM FOR THE FIRST TIME: I will remember this moment for the rest of my life. Words cannot express my emotions of joy! I went to go tell the family and cried like a lil girl - tears of happyness because I have overacted tear ducts - hehe. Jason MacMaster is one PROUD daddy!
5. OUR DOCTOR: This dude rolls up in an Ed Hardy tee and purposedly bumps me in the hallway.. I turn around and he was like, "Yo Brother, you ready to get this baby thing going or what." Always nice to have some humor around. In the last nine months, Dr Biter has become a good friend and did an amazing job delivering our lil Ryden.

I have to rush off and feed the other kids Tyson and Molly who have been staying at my mothers house (right down the street) so Im outy.. Here is a few more pictures. We love this lil guy SOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He's finally here! Ryden William MacMaster

Ryden William MacMaster
Born 5/23/09 at 12:57pm
8lbs 4oz
20 1/2 inches long
This little guy decided he didn't want to come out so on Friday I went to the doctor's to see what his thoughts were. He did an ultrasound and said everything looked good and it was our decision. If we wanted to induce that day he would be happy to do so. I immediately got nervous even though that was the answer I was looking for. It made everything seem all to real. After little discussion Jason and I made an appointment to be at the hospital at 3:00pm to start inducing me.
After being put on Pitocin to start the contractions I was still feeling no pain. I was beginning to think that being in labor was a piece of cake! At around 11:00pm I started to feel the contractions but they were very mild. I was just so uncomfortable because every time I had to use the bathroom I had to ask a nurse to come unhook my monitors and I would have to drag everything to the bathroom with me! Annoying. The nurse came in to check me and I had only dilated 4-5cm. She asked if I needed an epidural. I could have waiting a while longer but decided to have an epidural just so I could get some sleep before the big event took place. After the drugs I was very content. Not only was I not feeling anything...but they gave me a catheter (gross!!) so I didn't have to get up to use the bathroom every five minutes. I was able to get some shut eye.
Around 8am I started to feel the contractions and they were a little uncomfortable. The nurse checked me and I was only 7cm so I was giving another dose of epidural to help ease the contractions because I knew I still have a few more hours to go. Well my body didn't take to kindly to the extra medicine. For the next 3 hours or so I was hit with slightly painful contractions which were completely manageable with my yoga breathing. I was also hit with a case of nausea which I was NOT OK with. So I was battling contractions and sickness for about 3 hours so I was rather unhappy. The nurse finally gave me some anti-nausea medicine which helped out for the last hour. After that I was ready to push. Dr. Biter strolls in wearing an Ed Hardy T-shirt ready to get the party started! I won't go into the details but I will say that the pushing was WAY easier than I thought. I only pushed for about 45 minutes and was overjoyed to feel my little boy on my chest. After about 20 hours of labor he was finally here! It was the best moment of my ENTIRE life!
Jason was an amazing support system throughout the entire labor. He did exactly what I wanted him to do which is NOT TALK! He just rubbed my legs and back and helped me breathe. And after everything, he sure is one proud papa!
Grandma Guinon and Grandma & Grandpa Ridenour were also there to welcome the little boy into the world. They are equally as overjoyed as us!
Although I had a few hours of hard labor, I would do it all over again because I have just received the greatest gift in the world!
Here are a few pictures of the event.

Not happy with my outfit choice..HA!

Dr. Biter in his stylish Ed Hardy shirt. Yes that is what he wore for the delivery.

The newest addition to the MacMaster family

Proud Ridenour Grandparents

Introducing the new Grandma T-Dawg

Going home! I seem to have taken home a beer gut with me!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

My due date came......and went

I am officially past my due date and still no baby. But only about 5% of babies are born on their actual due date so now we just have to continue to wait.
Our fellow pregnant couple came to visit from Arizona. Jade and Adam are due in July with their first as well. We all decided to go out to dinner last night.
Funny story:
Jade and I decide to order a strawberry daiquiri so we can feel like we are actually having a "cocktail". We order a virgin one from the waitress and she brings it to us. I take the first sip and am immediately disgusted. I can totally taste alcohol! Jade thought the same thing. So we have Adam and Jason check it and they claim that we are crazy and it's just the "strawberry flavor" that tastes odd. So I figure my taste buds are off from not having any alcohol for 9 months and I take a few more sips. The waitress comes back and Jade asks if it is virgin. She gives us a dumbstruck look and says "No! I didn't hear you say virgin!" Seriously!! Have you seen our stomachs protruding from the table?? So after 9 months of sobriety I fell off the wagon! Jade and I felt guilty the entire night!
That is my story for the day. Other than that it was so good to hang out with them. I love walking around with another prego girl. We definatley get a lot of looks. I say this all the time but I wish they lived out here!
Drunkies! hahah!

Plaid Twins!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Jason MacMaster, Vice President of Airspeed footwear and In California Inc

One of the patterns I designed 3 years ago (aptly named the Legend) is currently still in stores (updated version of course) and just sold its 2 millionth (not a word) pair in April.. To celebrate, I decided to make a SIZE 45 and am now in the process of building a plaque shelf thingy for it.. Keep in mind that SHAQ wears a size 23.
I am pretty stoked on this shoe - and the even cooler thing is - somewhat related to the shoe - but not really is: Wal-Mart just named our company In California Inc 'SUPPLIER OF THE YEAR.' I could not accept the award in person (ceremony in NYC) so I sent my AR Sales Rep and he said it was a huge accomplishment.. Not too bad for a lil skater from the hood.

Jason MacMaster, Vice President of In California Inc/Airspeed footwear and CEO of Koastal Shoes

Monday, May 11, 2009

Week 39- Any day now

My due date is this Friday so he can come any day now. I still haven't felt any false labor contractions but I have noticed I am beginning to drop. My doctor says I am 1 1/2 cm dilated so that is a good sign as well. I am really hoping he is not going to be one of these two week late babies but I have a feeling if he does decide to be late it will only be by a few days (cross your fingers)

Yesterday was Mother's Day. Jason took Teresa and me out to breakfast which was very nice. I enjoyed my very first Mother's Day which still seems surreal. I still can't believe I am actually a mother now even if the little guy is still in my tummy. Thank you to everyone for the wonderful Mother's Day wishes I received! I think I got more attention yesterday than I do on my actual birthday. I can get used to this! Happy Mother's Day to my entire family and fellow mommy friends as well! PT Patti, Aunt Chris, T-Dawg, Aunt Suzanne, my wonderful Grandma, and awesome sister Sara!

Every thing else is wonderful. We are just anxiously waiting for our new arrival. Won't be long now everyone!

Week 39 belly (this was the end of the day so I am looking a little run down!)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Motorcycle Mama

T-dawg got in on the motorcycle action! It won't be long before she is studying for her motorcycle license! She looked pretty hard core on the cycle and seemed to want to stay on it longer. Check her out!

Here is a video...proof that she actually did ride and not just pose on it for pictures:

Lindsey and Andrew's Wedding

This weekend we attended the beautiful wedding of one of my best friends. I have known Lindsey for over 10 years and actually shared a room with her when I first moved out to California. So I was so excited to see her walk down the aisle. The wedding was perfect. It was in Huntington Beach at the Hilton right across from the actual beach. The weather was perfect and Lindsey looked stunning! Andrew even teared up during the ceremony. It was so nice to see everyone that I am used to seeing every day but haven't since I have been on maternity leave. I even squeezed my 38 week belly into a dress and some low heels for the occasion. But by the end of the night I was so ready to be in my sweats! We had such a great time and wish Andrew and Lindsey all the best! Love you guys!
Lindsey and her dad walking down the aisle

The beautiful bridesmaids
Mr. & Mrs. Simon

38 week belly

I miss my Alex!

I haven't seen Crystal since before I had a basketball in my stomach!

The happy couple
The Jason's being weird
The girls!