Saturday, May 16, 2009

My due date came......and went

I am officially past my due date and still no baby. But only about 5% of babies are born on their actual due date so now we just have to continue to wait.
Our fellow pregnant couple came to visit from Arizona. Jade and Adam are due in July with their first as well. We all decided to go out to dinner last night.
Funny story:
Jade and I decide to order a strawberry daiquiri so we can feel like we are actually having a "cocktail". We order a virgin one from the waitress and she brings it to us. I take the first sip and am immediately disgusted. I can totally taste alcohol! Jade thought the same thing. So we have Adam and Jason check it and they claim that we are crazy and it's just the "strawberry flavor" that tastes odd. So I figure my taste buds are off from not having any alcohol for 9 months and I take a few more sips. The waitress comes back and Jade asks if it is virgin. She gives us a dumbstruck look and says "No! I didn't hear you say virgin!" Seriously!! Have you seen our stomachs protruding from the table?? So after 9 months of sobriety I fell off the wagon! Jade and I felt guilty the entire night!
That is my story for the day. Other than that it was so good to hang out with them. I love walking around with another prego girl. We definatley get a lot of looks. I say this all the time but I wish they lived out here!
Drunkies! hahah!

Plaid Twins!