Monday, May 11, 2009

Week 39- Any day now

My due date is this Friday so he can come any day now. I still haven't felt any false labor contractions but I have noticed I am beginning to drop. My doctor says I am 1 1/2 cm dilated so that is a good sign as well. I am really hoping he is not going to be one of these two week late babies but I have a feeling if he does decide to be late it will only be by a few days (cross your fingers)

Yesterday was Mother's Day. Jason took Teresa and me out to breakfast which was very nice. I enjoyed my very first Mother's Day which still seems surreal. I still can't believe I am actually a mother now even if the little guy is still in my tummy. Thank you to everyone for the wonderful Mother's Day wishes I received! I think I got more attention yesterday than I do on my actual birthday. I can get used to this! Happy Mother's Day to my entire family and fellow mommy friends as well! PT Patti, Aunt Chris, T-Dawg, Aunt Suzanne, my wonderful Grandma, and awesome sister Sara!

Every thing else is wonderful. We are just anxiously waiting for our new arrival. Won't be long now everyone!

Week 39 belly (this was the end of the day so I am looking a little run down!)