Monday, August 31, 2009

Baby Shower #1

Matt Wheeland and his wife Rachel are expecting their first baby in December so we had a little get together to celebrate with them. It was at Ron and Martha's house and it was fun to have everyone together. They are excellent hosts and Matt and Rachel got a few things for baby.

Since we didn't have a swing and Mr. Ryden will not take a nap on his own, Grandma rocked him to sleep

GG also helped

Aunt Sara being a baby hog...Ryden loved her! (whoa double chin Ryden)

All the boy cousins. Pretty soon we will have a little girl to add to the mix

Me and Gracie "modeling"

Grandpa rough housing with the boys


It was also a birthday party for Bob and Charissa so when everyone was singing "Happy Birthday" GG protected Ryden's ears

George's Memorial

I am back from a week and a half in Arizona. Jason was with me for one weekend and then he had to go to New York for business/pleasure so I stayed in Arizona for an extra week. It was great because I got to have a ton of family time and also see some of my old friends. One of the main reasons we went to Tucson was to attend Grandpa George's memorial. He was my cousin's Grandpa but my sisters and I considered him our Grandpa as well. It was great to see all the Wheelands and celebrate George's life. He was a wonderful man and we will miss him dearly!
Kisses for Daddy

Aunt Elyse

Cousin Ben
The Group

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Three Months!!

Ryden is THREE months old today so he had a photo shoot with a homemade sign from Grandpa (first pic is my fav! Old man Magoo). Here are some Ryden facts at three months old:
WEIGHT: 13.5 pounds
LENGTH: 24 inches
FAVORITE TOY: Bumble bee that plays music
FAVORITE ACTIVITY: Taking walks in his Baby Bjorn on the beach with his sunglasses on
MILESTONE: Holding his head up (mostly looks like a bobble head still)
DISLIKES: Riding in his car seat unless he has a backseat buddy, his receding hairline, his double chin (just like Grandpa!)
SLEEP PATTERNS: In bed around 8...wakes up once to feed....up around 6 or 6:30. Although last night he slept the whole night with out waking up once.
We are in Tucson for about a week so I will try to update the blog but it might not be until I get back to Cali....
PS...We really really miss Daddy already and he has only been gone for a few hours. We won't see him until Sunday....kisses to you Daddy!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dinners and Pa Shoes

Three events to blog about. Dinner with our Korean family, going away dinner for Stacey, and Pa's homemade sandals.
First we went to dinner with Johnny and Younghee which we consider part of our family. The only one missing was Charlie. He is hard at work in Korea producing Airspeed shoes. But it was nice to all get together and go to our favorite Korean BBQ resturaunt. Ryden's first time.
Uncle Johnny

Next we went to dinner with Chris and Stacey. Stacey will be moving to New York next month for school so we had to say goodbye. I am going to miss her but at least I will have someone to stay with when I go to New York...and then I can hop over to New Hampshire and visit my sis.

And finally I was doing a fashion show with Ryden and put on these leather sandals. Ryden's Grandpa (my Pa) made these for Sara (my oldest sis) when she was a baby. I know her sons wore them so I thought I would try them on Ryden. They fit pretty well. Oh and have I mentioned he likes to sit in his bumbo chair? He looks like a little old man when he sits in it and I laugh and laugh.....

Friday, August 14, 2009

Still growing

Ryden is sooo close to holding his head up all the time. We do tummy time at least 3 times a day to build those neck muscles. And when I hold him now he has started to put his little arms around my neck which feels like a little hug. He even gave me an open mouth kiss the other day. I melted! Tomorrow he will be 12 weeks old. Melinda is adjusting to her new California life. We have hung out the past few days....I don't think she should ever get a job...she can just keep us company...haha!





Nobody will throw my toy? -Molly-bu

Power to the People! Yes I wear this "fresh" shirt all the what?- Ryden Mac

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Beach day

Today was Ryden's first official day at the beach. He has been to the bay before but today was the next step....BEACH!!! For being only 11 weeks he did so good. He seemed to love it which is good because he will be at the beach pretty much every weekend of his life from now on. Surf baby in the making! It was such a perfect day! Oh and Aunt Melinda is an official Californian! Welcome to Cali MEL!!!

Such a process to go to the beach now with a baby

Chug Chug!

Daddy (or Kevin Bacon?) time... (Jason is making fun of his goofy hair)

MacMaster Family

Mommy time!

Happy Birthday Candice!

To celebrate my friend Candice's birthday, we went to the Del Mar races on Saturday. It was the first time for both me and Jason to be at the races and we had such a good time. Too bad we didn't have such a good time at winning. Every horse we (well Jason...I am not much of a gambler) bet on pretty much came in dead last. Even the cool named ones like "Free Beer" and "Blame it on the Wine". I was even "that girl" and wore a huge red hat! I like to play the part. It was nice to have Grandma watch the baby for half the day but of course we missed him like crazy and couldn't wait to get home to see him. But I do miss all of my OC friends and it was so great to hang out with everyone.
Happy Birthday Candice (Chicken!)


My hat kept hitting everyone!

Miss these girls! They got the hat memo also.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Jason is back in Arkansas again so I have lined up a few visitors while he is gone. First, Tiffany came over with the crew. Torin is now two years old and little Kinen is seven months. They are both so cute and I can't wait for play dates.

Next visitor was Cathy who is more like a neighbor because she lives in Tucson but I sometimes see her more than my OC friends! Move out here already Sunshine! She came to entertain me and help walk the three dogs and baby. Then we went out for pizza and watched a scary movie! My kind of evening....Ryden really liked her funny voices and chillin on her stomach for tummy time

I was sitting in the back seat on the way home from pizza and Ryden was just laughing away. I tried to get a good picture with my cool tattoo but it kind of looks awkward. At least his face is super cute.

Good night...we miss you daddy!