Sunday, August 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Candice!

To celebrate my friend Candice's birthday, we went to the Del Mar races on Saturday. It was the first time for both me and Jason to be at the races and we had such a good time. Too bad we didn't have such a good time at winning. Every horse we (well Jason...I am not much of a gambler) bet on pretty much came in dead last. Even the cool named ones like "Free Beer" and "Blame it on the Wine". I was even "that girl" and wore a huge red hat! I like to play the part. It was nice to have Grandma watch the baby for half the day but of course we missed him like crazy and couldn't wait to get home to see him. But I do miss all of my OC friends and it was so great to hang out with everyone.
Happy Birthday Candice (Chicken!)


My hat kept hitting everyone!

Miss these girls! They got the hat memo also.