Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dinners and Pa Shoes

Three events to blog about. Dinner with our Korean family, going away dinner for Stacey, and Pa's homemade sandals.
First we went to dinner with Johnny and Younghee which we consider part of our family. The only one missing was Charlie. He is hard at work in Korea producing Airspeed shoes. But it was nice to all get together and go to our favorite Korean BBQ resturaunt. Ryden's first time.
Uncle Johnny

Next we went to dinner with Chris and Stacey. Stacey will be moving to New York next month for school so we had to say goodbye. I am going to miss her but at least I will have someone to stay with when I go to New York...and then I can hop over to New Hampshire and visit my sis.

And finally I was doing a fashion show with Ryden and put on these leather sandals. Ryden's Grandpa (my Pa) made these for Sara (my oldest sis) when she was a baby. I know her sons wore them so I thought I would try them on Ryden. They fit pretty well. Oh and have I mentioned he likes to sit in his bumbo chair? He looks like a little old man when he sits in it and I laugh and laugh.....