Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Jason is back in Arkansas again so I have lined up a few visitors while he is gone. First, Tiffany came over with the crew. Torin is now two years old and little Kinen is seven months. They are both so cute and I can't wait for play dates.

Next visitor was Cathy who is more like a neighbor because she lives in Tucson but I sometimes see her more than my OC friends! Move out here already Sunshine! She came to entertain me and help walk the three dogs and baby. Then we went out for pizza and watched a scary movie! My kind of evening....Ryden really liked her funny voices and chillin on her stomach for tummy time

I was sitting in the back seat on the way home from pizza and Ryden was just laughing away. I tried to get a good picture with my cool tattoo but it kind of looks awkward. At least his face is super cute.

Good night...we miss you daddy!