Monday, August 31, 2009

Baby Shower #1

Matt Wheeland and his wife Rachel are expecting their first baby in December so we had a little get together to celebrate with them. It was at Ron and Martha's house and it was fun to have everyone together. They are excellent hosts and Matt and Rachel got a few things for baby.

Since we didn't have a swing and Mr. Ryden will not take a nap on his own, Grandma rocked him to sleep

GG also helped

Aunt Sara being a baby hog...Ryden loved her! (whoa double chin Ryden)

All the boy cousins. Pretty soon we will have a little girl to add to the mix

Me and Gracie "modeling"

Grandpa rough housing with the boys


It was also a birthday party for Bob and Charissa so when everyone was singing "Happy Birthday" GG protected Ryden's ears