Sunday, August 23, 2009

Three Months!!

Ryden is THREE months old today so he had a photo shoot with a homemade sign from Grandpa (first pic is my fav! Old man Magoo). Here are some Ryden facts at three months old:
WEIGHT: 13.5 pounds
LENGTH: 24 inches
FAVORITE TOY: Bumble bee that plays music
FAVORITE ACTIVITY: Taking walks in his Baby Bjorn on the beach with his sunglasses on
MILESTONE: Holding his head up (mostly looks like a bobble head still)
DISLIKES: Riding in his car seat unless he has a backseat buddy, his receding hairline, his double chin (just like Grandpa!)
SLEEP PATTERNS: In bed around 8...wakes up once to feed....up around 6 or 6:30. Although last night he slept the whole night with out waking up once.
We are in Tucson for about a week so I will try to update the blog but it might not be until I get back to Cali....
PS...We really really miss Daddy already and he has only been gone for a few hours. We won't see him until Sunday....kisses to you Daddy!