Wednesday, June 8, 2011

28 weeks

So I made it to the third trimester!  It's all downhill from here.  This is a HORRIBLE picture of me but whatev.  I'm feeling good but I still need to take an afternoon nap to function properly.  I have my 'pregnancy mask' which makes the dark spots on my face even darker (which you can see in the picture).  I am huge!  Don't know how my stomach can handle three more months of growing.  My placenta is still a tiny bit low but the doctor still thinks it will rise due to more growing.  If not, it will just mean I have to have a C-section.  I went in for my glucose testing and results came back normal.  WOO HOO!  I had gestational diabetes with Ry so this was excellent news for me to hear.  No pricking my finger to check my blood sugar every day.  Other than that, we are just truckin' along.  Ry is fully aware of his little brother.  Even kissing my tummy and saying 'brother gonna cry' (trying to warn him now about that).  I know he will be an excellent big brother.