Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Super Duper Day!

Even though Ry was a little under the weather, we headed out to Legoland for a few hours.  Gamma even came with us!  There is a waterpark there now (hint, hint for cousins to come to Cali to visit) and we wanted to check it out.  First we hit up the helicopters.
Charlie even came for the fun
The waterpark was AWESOME!  Great area for the little ones and a few large slides for the big kids (Jason and Mike).  Ryd even went down a short water slide all alone! (see video at bottom and be sure to watch his reaction when Dada slides down)
I decided to spare everyone and wear my tank top...and then I got hot and the belly was exposed.  No pictures of that thank goodness!
I believe this is where we will be spending our summer days