Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lucky Spoiled Girl!!

FIRST...on Saturday, my OC girls threw me a wonderful breakfast baby shower.  All five of them drove down to spend a few hours with me.  I felt so loved!  Wouldn't be complete without a diaper cake by Tiff
And darling bundt cakes
World's BEST bag!  (thanks Tiff!  This one is getting passed on to another lucky recipient) 
Homemade sock monkey from Candice!
Tiff and Alex
And the three pregnant girls
SECOND....on Sunday, my fellow mama's threw me a brunch baby shower!  (a few are missing in the picture below)
We grubbed and I even got a martini glass to take home.  My fav!
Baby Luka even joined in the fun.  I got to hold him and I died!  Such a cute cute cuteness baby!!  Hard to believe I will have one soon.
Some of the girls:  Rebekah, Meredith (who just had a baby in April!) and Julie
The pregnant mom's (getting smaller now that babies are starting to be born)
And some presents.  Cutest shirt from Julie....we LOVE the movie Elf.  If you have seen it you will get it...
Matching shoes for Trev and Ry!  Awesome idea!
I cannot believe how blessed I am to have all of these people in my life.  It's so nice to feel so loved and have such great friends!  I love each and every one of them!  Thank you all for making me feel so special