Thursday, June 2, 2011

Happy Birthday from Mickey

On Ryden's actual birthday, we took him to Disneyland of course.  A few of his homies, and Aunty and Nick came too!  It was a tad busy and a super long day for me luggin' around my big belly but still so much fun.  Ry covered his eyes the entire Pirates ride so we decided against the Haunted Mansion.  Still loved Small World.  So did MoMo (sorta)
Ryden's favorite part of Small World
Of course, had to ride the carousel
Waitin' for Buzz Lightyear ride.  Is someone a little bored?
We have never explored 'Bugs Life' at California Adventure.  Ry loved it!  Loved the water play area also.  Thank goodness for hubbies to ride all the rides that would make me sick!
Preggo mamas takin' a rest....phew!  I sure do love my Kayne West glasses and Charlie Sheen hat!
Shiloh super excited about getting wet...
Loves loves Aunty my Disneyland fix.  I'm good for a few months!