Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Dada Day- Event TWO

Fun for Ryden at the Children's Museum
There was a super cute kids museum right by our hotel in Palm Desert.  It wasn't crowded at all so Ry got to explore and play with lots of cool stuff.
Papa and Ahwee would have loved the VW Bug that the kids could actually paint...
Makin' some pizza
Ryden's favorite by far??  The grocery store!  He could have spent the entire day in here.  It was so cute to watch him gently place the items in the shopping cart.  Why isn't he this excited when I take him grocery shopping?
What everyone needs....plently of ice cream, eggs, and dog biscuits.  Nice shopping run dude
We had a small melt down trying to pry him away from the grocery store.  Papa will just have to come out and build us our own mini store at our house.