Monday, June 13, 2011

A few firsts...

Big Boy Bed
A couple of days ago we made the transition from crib to big boy bed.  I've heard a few horror stories from other parents that their kids would get out of bed in the middle of the night and want to party..etc.  I was more worried about him falling out because he tends to be a 'crazy move positions all night' sleeper.  But Ry was a champion!  Slept the whole night, didn't fall off the bed, and didn't even get off his bed until I came to get him in the morning.  He's done great every other night so far.  This morning was the first time he actually came into our room at 6am.  He went to Daddy's side of the bed and we said good morning.  He then said 'Ryden making toots' and then ran back to his room and went back on his bed for about 20 more minutes.  Awesome!

Big Boy Underwear (and karate kicks)
We decided to start (slowly) potty training.  Usually in the afternoons the diaper comes off and Ry runs around in his skives.  Every half hour or so we would go to the potty and he would go every single time!  The past few days Ry has been sick (another cold!!!) so we have put a halt on the training for now...he just wasn't into it and had a few accidents which he never had before.  We will see what happens once we get rid of this darn cold!  But all in all I am very impressed with my little (big) boy!