Saturday, July 30, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Charlie!

More birthday parties = more cupcakes, bounce houses, and friend time.  Today it was Charlie's turn.  
This time Jason came so I was able to get more pictures
Sam always looks at me and says "Hi Aimes"  Love it
Time....for.....birthday cake!
Ry waiting patiently for a cupcake
Party peeps roasting in the warm Cali sun
Welcome to the two year old club Charlie!

Jazzy night

Last night we headed out to Poinsettia Park to enjoy some jazz music.  As I suspected, Ryden LOVED it!  He was just hanging out on the grass but as soon as the band did his dancing shoes!

   Moses was more interested in his lolipop and Sam...well he took to playing 'Angry Birds'
We even went up by the band where Ryden continued to dance..
So much fun hangin' out with friends, drinking wine (boo for me), and dancing...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The B's

The B's:  Birthday parties and Baby showers!  I have at least one to attend every weekend.  Last weekend was baby shower time for Stacey.  Little Miss Nikki will be making her appearance in October.  We can't wait to meet her!
Nikki even "tried on" all her new outfits
Another awesome diaper cake by the lovely Danielle
And of course the 2nd B is for BIRTHDAY!  Stacey's boy Corey turned two and we went out to celebrate.  Ryden had a blast!  Bouncin' in the bounce house, playing in the small house and eating lots of cake.  Of course I forgot my camera again so iphone had to do.  
Birthday boy!
Ryden found another girlfriend.  Miss Ella. They were so cute.  Saying hi to each other over and over again
Momo and Ry taking a ride
Bounce house fun!
Birthday cake time!  (I know...worst picture!)
Happy 2nd Birthday Corey!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Stinky petting zoo fun

We headed to a petting zoo yesterday with our good friend Julie and her three kids.  Her two daughters are so great with Ryden and he adores them
We had a good time feeding the animals although I am not to fond of guinea pigs after growing up with them.  My sister Sara had one that did nothing but stink and eat paper.  But Ry loved them.  So did Julie's kiddos
Ayla even made an appearance
Ry has a special place in his heart for Kelsey.  Every time we go to Julie's house he says "Ryry play with Sam and see Kelsey?"
So cute
Perhaps the most exciting part of the day?  Riding the train!  Cited face the whole time!!!
Screaming Sam
Finally, we stopped by and said hi to the goats and turkeys...even more stinkier!!  All Ry was interested in was walking over this bridge