Wednesday, July 6, 2011

New York so pretty...DAY TWO

Our second day was spent doing fun things with Dada since he didn't have to work.  And that included an awesome boat tour.  There were literally about 6 other people on the boat so we had it pretty much to ourselves.  Ryden loved it!
The famous lady
Doing a few dance moves
Brooklyn bridge
Brobee enjoying the ride
Chillin with his boy and a beer
Gettin' sleepy
Trying to look cool...
...and then Ryden had a few laughs on the subway
After the boat ride we stopped to watch some skateboarders
Of course, we can't resist a carousel although Ry seemed bored the whole time
Checkin out the water
And yet another playground!
Max and Katie met us for dinner (why does Max have a normal face and Jason doesn't)
Kinda pissed off
Me and Katie
So ready to go!
Passed out and it was only 6:30.  He woke up an hour later and was ready to party!  
Another great day spent walking and having fun!