Tuesday, July 5, 2011

New York City...is so pretty...DAY ONE

Our first day in New York was spent hanging out with Aunt Cody while Dada worked.  We must've walked 20 miles, seen every water fountain possible, and explored all of New York!  I will let the pictures do the talking
Chillin' in Bryant Park with Aunt C to start the morning
First fountain...used all of Cody's change to throw into the water and Cody taking pictures of course (we won't get into the lost camera story..it's too heartbreaking)
Second fountain.  Aunt Cody was poor by this time.  Cool animal heads and awesome posing by Ryden
At FAO Schwartz...the coolest toy store ever!  And all Ryden wanted to do was:
The piano from 'BIG'.  HATED IT!
Semi interested in a puppet.  I tried SO hard to get Ryden to pick out a toy.  Wasn't interested.  Cody translated Ryden-ism's for me.  "Get the hint mama...don't want a toy!"
More walking...on to Central Park
Watching the ducks
Best treat evah! (RIP snow cone picture from Cody's camera!)
Being a boy...putting leaves in a drain
New York is super cool!  Every where we went there seemed to be a playground.  This one at Central Park.  The first of many...and the first of many hours spent swinging
Cody was a trooper and stood in line for about 45 minutes so we could get a burger and shake at the Shake Shack..twas amazing!
Another park at Madison Square.  Ry was such a trooper sitting in his stroller most of the day so every time we saw a park I had to reward him
Dinner with Morgan
Coloring on the table...this was almost at break down point for Ry.  He had been such a sport all day
And Times Square to end an awesome day
First day in NYC = SUCCESS!  So much fun hanging out with Aunt Cody.  Ryden was so attached to her that I would be hearing her name throughout the rest of the trip.  'Ryry see Aunt Cody?'