Thursday, July 7, 2011

New York City....Jersey Style...DAY THREE

Our third and final day was spent walking (of course) around Hoboken, NJ with our good friends Katie and Max.  They are getting married about a week before my due date so I can't attend.  It was nice to see them one last time before they are husband and wife.  We had such a great time!  Such a cool little town!  
And yet....another park.  This one looked like it was straight out of Sesame Street

We stopped by and visited Jason's old buddy Cameron.  Baby Declan is 3 1/2 months and just the cutest ever!  
Ryden was more interested in the meow meow
Katie reading 'Hungry Caterpillar' to Ry...super cute!
Cameron, Grace, and baby Declan
On the roof top of their apartment.  Great views!
Sun is so so bright...according to Ry (and yes he STILL has that Shamu tattoo on!)
Goofy Mixwell
Some randoms
The last and final playground of the trip
Checkin' out the chicks
And Tyson's bff....KOBE JONES
Well that does it for our NYC trip of 2011.  What a great time with sister, friends, and dogs.  Now I must go catch up on my sleep!  Thanks to everyone for entertaining us!