Saturday, July 16, 2011

Stinky petting zoo fun

We headed to a petting zoo yesterday with our good friend Julie and her three kids.  Her two daughters are so great with Ryden and he adores them
We had a good time feeding the animals although I am not to fond of guinea pigs after growing up with them.  My sister Sara had one that did nothing but stink and eat paper.  But Ry loved them.  So did Julie's kiddos
Ayla even made an appearance
Ry has a special place in his heart for Kelsey.  Every time we go to Julie's house he says "Ryry play with Sam and see Kelsey?"
So cute
Perhaps the most exciting part of the day?  Riding the train!  Cited face the whole time!!!
Screaming Sam
Finally, we stopped by and said hi to the goats and turkeys...even more stinkier!!  All Ry was interested in was walking over this bridge