Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Grandma's memorial service in Paradise, CA

My first post in months.. Ryden and I made a trip to Paradise for my Grandma's memorial service. As you can imagine, its very easy to travel with just Ry. We met my moms, sis, and Nick in SAC airport and the 'movie drama' began. Story is -- My uncle who was traveling from Houston, TX was bringing my Gma's ashes with him. He checked the suitcase with the ashes (which is required by law - I didnt know) and the baggage was lost in transit. By the time we landed, the suitcase was suppose to arrive - but UNITED could not locate. They literally lost the SUITCASE. Drove our family CRAZY, but I spoke to the claim manager and left all my info. We ended up leaving the airport without the bag hoping it would come in before the 1pm service the next day. GOD blessed us the next morning as I recd a phone call very early from the much relieved UNITED manager. The bag was never properly checked in from TX which caused the whole issue. Uncle C jammed to the airport from Paradise (1.5 hours a way) and made it back just in time for the service. My moms brothers and sisters all spoke at the very family oriented service. This is only my 2nd funeral (of family) I have attended and it obviously doesnt get easier. Very emotional hearing all of the stories about our Gma (mom's mom who had 7 kids) but good to be amongst family. We sang 'YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE' in honor of both our gma and grandpa who are once again united in Heaven. Barely made it through the song as you can imagine. I then quickly spoke about the importance of family and although we are all different, we should try our best to visit and spend more time together in future. Hope we can make this happen! I held Ryden the entire time as he was a lil confused by the entire service, but was a good boy as usual. He later asked why everyone was crying and I attempted to explain what Heaven was, which he already knows that is where Tyson is. I told him its above the clouds and he said "We went to heaven in the plane yesterday." It made my laugh and cry -- and I was very happy he was there.  We spent the rest of the trip keeping busy and spending time with the family. Nick took some great pictures as featured below. Definitely miss our Gma, but know she is in a better place and eventually will be able to hug her again. 

Special shout out to my wifey who stayed home to watch the dogs w/ crazy Trev. She has also been very comforting and loving during this time. On a happier note - HAPPY 5 YEAR ANNIVERSARY MY LOVE! We will find time to celebrate -- I PROMISE!