Thursday, September 6, 2012

Preschool time!!

I am SOO happy with the preschool that we found for Ryden.  I was stressing BIG time because every place I looked just didn't seem right.  When I first called Manhattan Beach Preschool I was told they were full but to come  put our name on a waiting list.  I hesitated but finally decided 'what the heck'.  When I went there I fell in love with the school and was so upset at the thought of being waitlisted but went to the office anyways.  The lady immediately said they had a cancellation and I could sign Ryden up ASAP.  I jumped at the chance and the next day Ryden was dressed and ready for his first day.  Before we left the house Ry said "Rule number one is no crying".  When we dropped him off there were only a few tears....from ME!  He calmly went right over to the 'library' area, gave me a kiss, and started reading books.
When I picked him up both teachers RAVED about him.  What a good listener he is...didn't seem like his first day at refreshing to have him in the class.  Proud Mama.  All the way home he told me about his day.  He made a friend.  When I asked his friends name he said he didn't know but he was "wearing a baseball shirt...that is who I played with...and we all went potty three times".  Warms my heart to hear him so excited and makes me even happier that we found this place.
Oh and Trev seems to be enjoying it too...time to get him on the waitlist