Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Trev's first day

Trevin had his first day at preschool today (yes Cody, this is the Mommy and me class).  I was worried because he seems so little to me still and didn't know if he could keep up with the older 1's.  But he did great!  Loved every minute of it.  Was super excited with all the toys, walked around everywhere (vs. crawling like he does at home), and even snuggled with a few other moms.  We sang good morning songs and each kid had a pom pom to shake in the air.  This was the bee's knees for him.  (Sorry pics are a little blurry...hard to focus with a wild baby on the loose)
Then everyone sat down for snack.  Again, I was a little fearful because at home he pretty much tosses everything on the ground.  But he did great!  Sat like a little boy eating (or stuffing his face) with each piece of fruit and cracker.  I love the picture of him sitting in the chair.  He just looks like a little boy.  Sniff Sniff...no more baby.
Umm hello....there were 20 some one year olds!  Including two sets of twins.  (Cody...you are super woman)
Our first day was a success!  And it was super awesome to spend some one on one time and get to make friends at the same time