Friday, September 28, 2012

Greatest park eva!....seriously

Since Ry, Trev, and I are still loners at the moment, we do a lot of exploring.  I came across this park which had great reviews on the internet (crazy what we can find on a computer these days...).  So we decided to check it out. I am not kidding when I say this is by far the best park I have ever been to!  It reminded me of a park my sister took us to when we visited her in New Hampshire but super sized!  It had several play structures, duck pond, grass for days, etc.  Ryden was in heaven!  He would've stayed for ever sliding down the slides, going through tunnels, and swinging.  Trevin was just interested in the "da's" (ducks).
The swings faced the "Da" pond

And the slides Ry was going down were crazy high!  I went down one and was super dizzy afterwards.  Can you spot Ryden?
They even had a mister that came up from the ground...New York manhole style...
Our new favorite place...Polliwog Park in Manhattan Beach..