Wednesday, September 5, 2012


WEIGHT:  19lbs  (although he doesn't look it in this picture, he is still skinny minnie.  Doesn't fit into 12 month pants yet.)
FAVORITE TOY:  Well we just set up the train skateboard table and he loves it just as much as his brother.  
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Crusin' around.  And imitating his brother.  They do this thing in the bathtub where Ry will stand up and then sit down really fast to make a big splash.  Then Trev has to do the same thing.  Not fun for me to get splashed but fun to watch.  He also loves doing anything outside.  Loves stacking stuff
MILESTONES:  Walking.  He is still pretty wobbly and will only walk if he sees and object in site that he can grab onto.  Still falls a lot but he is getting there.  Can climb up on pretty much anything.  Pulls himself up to a standing position.  Stands in one place for a long time.  Can bend down and grab something while standing up.  MORE TEETH!!  He is working on two more on the top and two more on the bottom.  Cranky city!
DISLIKES:  Being inside!  He is so whiny until we are outside and he is free.  And if I pick him up when he doesn't want to be picked up he makes this monster noise and pulls my shirt.  
MOM'S FAVORITE:  Ninety percent of the time he usually cries when he wakes up (super grumpo!).  But when he does wake up in a good mood the other ten percent of the time he gets a big smile on his face when I come to get him and then hands me all his stuffed animals out of his crib.  Love this!  
DAD'S FAVORITE:  He nows has TWO skater dudes.  Double dream come true!