Sunday, February 17, 2013

Friends reunion!

The Silverman's left Seattle and came back to Carlsbad for a quick visit.  So of course we had to have a reunion with all the kiddos.  They were so fun together!  Played non-stop and I swear you could hear them all reminiscing about the 'olden days' (in their own language of course).  Charlie and Ryden even got to have a slumber party the night before.  Best friends forever!
These kids played for hours on end and laughed together
Jason even gave some pretty cool wagon rides around the yard
I seriously want to steal Julie's daughter, Kelsey.  She sat and played with Trevin forever.  He even sat in her lap perfectly content for a good 20 minutes....which is impossible for him to do
Guy pic
Girl pic...this little outing made me miss these girls even more...sniff sniff
And one more shot of the crazy kids....really?