Saturday, February 23, 2013

Random events of the past few weeks

Love living walking distance from the beach.  Makes for great morning and evening walks
Can you spot Ryden starin' off in the distance?
Mama and Trev enjoying the beach (until someone decided to eat sand several times.  For realz?  Aren't we past that stage??)
J and I got all dolled up to go to a fundraiser event for Ryden's preschool.  The theme was 'dress like a celeb'.  We thought the easiest costume would be Posh and Becks.  Little did we know that several other couples had the same idea.....but we were by far the best (in my eyes)
Doing my best posh look....
I even got to meet a few celebs....Lady Gaga
Kim Kardashian
And my new Bff... Britney Spears.  Seriously...we totally hit it off.  Courtney and I have already hung out several times with the Hubz and kids.  She has two girls same age as my boys AND we both had 'Better Together' as our wedding song...meant to be?
Her daughter Ella and Ryden totally hit it off.  That's perfect since they are going to get married one day
And here is Mila (Courtney's other daughter) making out with Trev
I did a little bit of "modeling"...just had to post this picture because I am #obsessed with this outfit
Oh and it totally snowed in Tucson!  What the?  Wish I was there for that!  But through it all...the old cactus is still standing.  Thank you Ahwee for the picture.  Ryden loved it!
And one last event.  I signed Trevin up for MyGym.  Its a fun place for him to bounce, hang, jump, run, and just be crazy.  Jason took him today and got some great shots
Who doesn't love bubbles?
And that pretty much sums up the last few weeks...