Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Pretend City

We headed out to Pretend City with our friend Aurora.  This place was amazing.  A pretend post office, dentist/doctor's office, garden, ATM, and Ryden's favorite....a grocery store.  He could have spent the whole day shopping for grocery's...and I would have let him if I didn't have to chase Trevin off the pretend stage
Ryden was so stoked on this laundry detergent he shopped for.  Kept telling me "We can do laundry now Mama!"
Trev even found a friend.  She helped him 'buy' all of the fresh produce
Moving on to the restaurant.  Aurora made Trevin this huge plate of food.  Such a charming waitress.  Too bad they didn't have a pretend gym there
Finished most of it..left a few olives and peppers
Before we left we had to make one more stop at the grocery store.  This place was awesome!  Where was this when I was a kid??  Oh my house but mine was called imagination city