WEIGHT: 22.4 lbs
FAVORITE ACTIVITY: Playing with his bro outside on the trampoline. Splashing in puddles. Dancing, dancing, dancing
FAVORITE WORDS: Well he pretty much said "Ma" for everything. But now he starting saying "Ba" for ball and he has been saying that all the time. I joke that Ry knew Chinese by this age and Trev says two words. Poor kid
MILESTONE: Has all his teeth. Went from size 4 to size 5 shoes. Runs like a mad man. Sleeps through the night again!!! (finally). Can almost do a somersalt on his own.
DISLIKE: Not getting what he wants. He will throw an attitude. I'm talkin' grab something, throw it in a fit of rage, hit the wall, scream...yeah...super awesome
MOM'S FAVORITE: Now I know this is kind of silly but it's the little things. Now that he is running everywhere, I love the crinkle sound the diaper makes. It is just such a baby sound that I love! I just told J that I will be sad when the diaper stage is over because I love diaper butt and diaper noises. Odd? I also love how he is becoming such a little man. He melts my heart every day even if he makes me crazy at the same time
DAD'S FAVORITE: Trev is a little challenging at times. Very whiny and busy. But he really is a funny and amazing little man. Jason just soaks this up. Plays all the boy things with him and they really bond.