Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Long Beach Aquarium

Trev's mommy and me preschool class took a trip to the Long Beach Aquarium today.  It was crazy fun having about 20 one year olds running around, pointing at all the fish.  Trev's attention span was surprising good considering....he sat and looked at the fish for about a minute (long for him) before moving on to the next glass of fish

His buddies...Nate and Ash
Looks like we are the only ones in the whole place...
Cave of wonders
He looks all 'growned' up in this picture..sniff sniff
Holy invasion of the toddlers!
Me:  "Hey Trevin...come watch this scuba diver feed the fish, sharks, and sting rays.....or climb on the bench.  Yeah, that's way cooler"
We ditched everyone (they were still enjoying the feeding time) and went outside to pet some bat rays.  One even came right up to us and started splashing around.  Trev stuck his two fingers in the water and then immediately flung them back out.  Not too sure he liked the slimy-ness
Oh and the "da's" were pretty cool too