Friday, August 15, 2014

Flashback Friday- Jan-June 2007

We now dive into 2007 and the fun keeps going.  Celebrating New Year's with our good friend Shiney.
 I turned.....ugh....30!!!  Just kidding about the ugh...I loved turning 30 and I had all my wonderful friends to celebrate with me.
 Look at me...I'm the birthday Princess
 You would think Lindsey and I were enemies from this picture if you didn't know us.  That's why I love this pic!
 I liked telling secrets to Chicken (Candice)
Random picture of Molly..she used to play with this football so much and then fall asleep on it..
 Jason attempted to take me snowboarding again.  You think with all these trials, I would be a pro snowboarder by now.  Not the case.  Lindsey and I still preferred the lobby.
We bought our first house in Oceanside....which we still own
Back to Vegas...enough already right?
 Dog beach
 Celebrating the marriage of our wonderful friends...Adam and Jade
 Lots of Korean BBQ with Charlie and fam..
 Scott and Leslie come to visit with their little puppy
 Another wonderful wedding.  Brandon and Katie.
 Still love Miss Jade!
Always karate kicking over someone.
 Me and the beautiful bride.  She now has two boys around the same ages as mine.
Sunshine (Cathy) comes to visit with her hubby and we get to hang..took her to the place where my wedding reception was going to be since she was one of my bridesmaids.