Friday, August 29, 2014

Flashback Friday- Bach party and wedding! Sept 2007

My wonderful family threw me an amazing bridal shower in Tucson and my dear friends came from California with me to attend.
 I felt so loved!  
 And Jacob was special because he was the only boy allowed..
 After everyone left..we enjoyed a dip in the spa and shot-gunning a beer before getting ready for the best bachelorette party ever!
 My sister had told me that she found a perfect white dress for me to wear to the nights events.  I was stoked because my sister has good taste.  She handed me this and proceeded to hand out dresses to everyone else:
She had gone to the thrift stores and picked out the ugliest prom dresses she could find.  Amazing idea!  We all had a blast looking like we were stuck in the 80's.  Aunt Chris later claimed she "fell off" her shoes she is wearing below.
 GG even joined in all the fun
 Most perfect party planner ever.  And she is going to kill me for this picture.
 Sisters looking funky fresh
Mom's wig.. "They say we're young...."
I was also surprised with a male dancer.  I wanted no part in this so Aunt Chris happily took my place. 
 Teresa and Mel drove down from Phoenix to partake in the festivities 
 We headed out to my favorite Tucson bar...Maloney's.  We had the best time! 
 One of my favorite picture from the night.  And I'm sporting the embarrassing necklace Cody made me wear.
 I really do have the best friends and family.  This night will go down in the books as one of my top favorites!! 
We got married on September 22, 2007 on Carlsbad beach.  It rained the first half of the day, but the clouds parted just in time for the ceremony which made for beautiful scenery!  We had so many close friends and family to celebrate with us.  Getting ready was just as fun.  I wasn't stressed at all...just loved having everyone with me.
Cody always carried around her trusty spray tan gun 
 My sweet sis-in-law did my hair for the day
 And my dear friend Marcy helped me with my makeup.  I must say she is a miracle worker.  I cleaned up nicely
 Just had to add a picture of my shoes.  I still own them to this day but have only worn them one other time.
My amazing bridesmaids.  From left:  Cathy (best friend), Melinda (sis-in-law), Elyse (cousin), Katie (cousin), Sara (sis), Cody (sis).  And flower girl Marissa (cousin).
 Here comes the bride!  I remember wearing flip flops and barely being able to walk in the sand
 One of my favorite parts of the ceremony was thanking our parents.
 Ewwww....but look at that sky!!  Unreal
 Our awesome guests
 Mr. and Mrs. MacMaster
 Jason's grandparents
 My Grandma who I adore!!
 My beautiful 'baby' cousin.  Not so much a baby anymore
 Jason's friends...and groomsmen
 The girls
 Ok seriously though with the sky?!!  I had several people ask me if we photoshopped the background on these pictures.  That's how perfect it was.
 I keep telling myself I am going to dig my dress out and wear it on our next date night.  I still love that dress!
 Party time!
 Dancing with the Pa
 Jason and Teresa's dance was HILARIOUS!  They did a full on routine to "Time after Time".  I never wanted it to end
The festivities continue...
 Amazing night!