Friday, August 1, 2014

Flashback Friday- July-Dec2006

Lots of fun adventures in 2006, but my favorite has to be BUTT MAN!  I sure do miss our 4th of July's in San Diego with the fam.  Ma misses butt man the most.
 Beer pong had started becoming a tradition.  I must say that Katie and I usually dominated!  Team AK Attack!
 Aunt Chris wore her shirt to distract us all...and Uncle Dale's shirt returned year after year.  He would cross out the previous year and write the year it was at the time.  Oh Uncle funny!
 Deep Pa Ridenour
We then headed to Tahoe to attend the wedding of Jason's homie Scott and the beautiful Leslie.  It was at the lake and it was beautiful!

Then we had a few nights out...including one with my sweet friends Leigh Anne and Stacey.
 Then I was sent to Idaho for my work.  I must say, I would've probably never gotten the chance to go there.  It was so pretty and nature-esque
The hot springs were radical!
More beach days and visits from Mel and Teresa
 Oh, and there was that one time we dressed up on Halloween like Joy and Earl from the TV show 'My name is Earl'.
Another trip to AZ 
Headed with Ben to the zoo
Sara and I partook in some icee's and snowcones 
Karate kick over the cactus
Out with the family and cousins.  That is when they still lived in Tucson, and not across the country!
 Scariest photo bomb Steve!
 Oh Sunshine.  My friend since Kinder.  And still my bestest to this day!
Mel moved to California!  And then back to AZ a week later :)
Christmas card photo with the "kids"
Christmas in Phx.  Hiking around the frozen late with Teresa and J
 Christmas in Tucson
 Mom gettin' all waterworks over a photo calendar
 Wade and Molly.  Cousins.
Christmas lights in our old neighborhood
 Annnd...another snowboarding trip of course.  Nice flip phone Andrew!