Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The first day

 It's finally happened.  I have both boys in school.  I have free time!  Well, only three hours to myself two days a week...but that is plenty for me.  We visited Ryden's classroom the day before the first day to have popsicles and meet his teacher.
  His friends Olivia and Ella are in the classrooms next to him.  Stinks that they aren't together, but they still get to play on the same playground.  Ry was so stoked when he first saw his classroom.  Mainly, because he found his name in several places.  
Then it was time!  I do believe I was more nervous than Ryden was.  In the morning he kept asking if it was time to go.  "Let's go Mama!  It's my first day!"  Of course, I had to take several pictures.
 This was Trevin's face for several takes until I finally got a normal smile on the picture above.
 All ready to go!  They were excited because they saw the neighbor kids across the street who are in 3rd and 5th grade at the same school.  "Hi Max and Ruby!"-Trevin.  Their names are actually Ruby and Duke.  Trevin confuses them with the tv show Max & Ruby.  Also, right after this picture was taken, Trev's hair was a wreck.  
We dropped off Ryden at 8am.  He couldn't wait to go to his classroom.
I love love love Ryden's school.  It is the cutest thing and all the teachers are super nice!  And the kinder's have their own separate playground.
 Does this kid ever make a normal face?
 He so enjoyed the task of hanging up his backpack and taking his lunch box inside.
 His sweet friend Olivia
 The classic 'stand in front of your door' picture.  Ry has always been so great with the whole school thing.  Never any tears from him.  Only me!
We then get to drop Trevin off at 8:30.  He is going to the same preschool that Ry went to...same room as well, but different teacher.  Walking up the huge hill we used to walk up with Ryden.
We were super early, so Trev got to play on the playground for a little bit
Ryden on his first day of preschool circa 2012
 Trevin first day of preschool circa 2014
 When I picked Ryden up he was going on and on about what a great day he had.  The first thing he mentioned was that he made it to the BLUE color on the behavior chart!  That is the highest color you can get so he got to pick a prize.  Proud Mama.  I was a little worried when I went to pick up Trevin.  We all know he marches to the beat of his own drum.  When we arrived at his preschool there were several kids crying.  But not Trevin.  He bounded out of the classroom talking about the muffin he ate that looked like the Big Balls (from Wipeout).  I asked the teacher how he did and she gave me two thumbs up.  "He's a pro".  Phew!  I took them both out for frozen yogurt for a job well done!
Trevin's classmate Brinley came with us
Whoa doggies...dig in!
 And a little water play to end the day.  So proud of our little boys!