Friday, August 22, 2014

Flashback Friday- July-Dec 2007

Summers in San Diego.  Watching Bob's band play.
 Some people are quite festive!
 The gang...minus a few
 Beach babes
 Uncle Dale wearing his shirt another year in a row
 Show us your stars and stripes
 I miss this!!!
 AK Attack is back and ready to continue our winning streak! 
 No one can defeat us!  The losers weren't too happy
 Grandma and Phyllis were more interested in just drinking the beer
 Mother and son team
 Moving on....Jason took a trip to China 
 And then visited his Korean family
While I traveled to Hawaii again
 We then celebrated Candice's birthday by doing a karate kick
 The ladies
 More Korean BBQ dinners
 Jason's aunt Maureen visits with her two boys
 Went to the X-games and met Shaun White
Oh yeah...we got married (separate post on that)
 Then our friends got married in Prescott
 Halloween came and we dressed like this....not sure why??
 We went on a beautiful hike on Palomar Mountain
 Thanksgiving in AZ
 Baby Jacob!  And my dad pretty much looking the same as he does now.  Shirt with cars on it?  Check!  Goatee?  Check!
Look at little Jacob with a bottle!  Boy was this a long time ago!
 Once again, Boo dressed in some awful sweater
 Out with the cousins
 Then, we hung with Teresa and Melinda
Back to Cali for and Ugly Sweater party
  Then we came back to AZ for Christmas and Christmas pj's from Teresa
 Christmas in Tucson
 Molly was still perched on Papa's lap even back in the day.
 Raise of hands....who wants Billy to wear this shirt next time we see him??
 Out on the town
 Oh...and Jason surprised me and bought me a BMW.  No big deal.  Man!  I miss that car!!  What an awesome husband